Welcome 10G students and parents. This blog will keep you up to date on assignments, novels, themes, and any other classroom related topics. The focus on this course is to develop students' reading and writing skills.
The reading skills that will be covered are comprehension, pronounciation, word recognition, vocabulary development, identifying figurative language, and any other areas of weakness that may arise.
The writing skills that will be covered are sentence and paragraph construction, citations, organization, spelling, and any grammar related issues that arise. I will work one-on-one with students in a workshop environment to enhance their writing skills and focus on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
The current novel we are reading is Howard Fast's
April Morning. During the week of 10/1-10/5 the students will write an essay dealing specifically with events presented in chapter 6 "The Midday". The remainder of the week will be spent in workshop. I encourage all parents to read along with us so that you can offer support at home as needed.
Fast, Howard. April Morning. New York: Bantam, 1962.