Friday, December 21, 2007

Holiday Break

Have a great holiday break. Don't let anyone steal your holiday celebration.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Touching Spirit Bear HW-Due 12/21

The students had some time today to begin chapter 2 of Touching Spirit Bear. They are to finish the chapter for HW along with the following questions:

Chapter Two
Answer each of the following questions with complete sentences.
1. What provisions did Edwin and Garvey make for Cole?
2. Cole pretended to go along with all of the requirements of the circle Justice. What were his real intentions?
3. What is Devil's Club?
4. What four things did Edwin tell Cole to learn?
5. What did Garvey give to Cole to take care of? What do the Tlingits call this?
6. How did Cole receive instructions from Edwin? Why?
7. What happened to Cole's knuckles in his jail cell? What did he say happened?
8. What did Cole do when Garvey and Edwin drove away in their boat?
9. Why do you think Cole is so rebellious and defiant?
10. What did Edwin tell Cole about his treatment of the animals?
11. Write about a time when you felt defiant or rebellious. What did you do? (journal)

Student Projects-Horror Stories

I have uploaded the Horror stories that the students created using Photo Story 3. Everyone did an excellent job. Click "play" and enjoy. Just don't view them in a dark room while you are alone.

Student Project-SA

Student Project-BF

Student Project-MF

Student Project-ND

Student Project-GT

Student Project-DW

Friday, December 14, 2007

Touching Spirit Bear

Today we began discussing how people deal with anger. This is a major theme in the next work we will be reading-Touching Spirit Bear.

Students are to read chapter 1 for HW and complete the following assignment:

Chapter One
1. Cole Matthews knelt defiantly in the bow of the aluminum skiff as he faced forward into a cold September wind.
o Define the term defiant:
o What is an aluminum skiff?
2. Where is Cole being taken?
3. There were two other people in the boat:
o Garvey, who was _______
o Edwin who is ______
4. What did Cole do to Edwin to try to make him angry?
5. Who were the only people Cole could trust?
6. Who was Peter Driscal? What happened to him?
7. Cole hated his parents. His mom acted like a scared Barbie doll. Always__________________________ but never __________________. And his dad was a bullheaded ________________with a temper.
8. Nathaniel Blackwood is the _______________hired by Cole’s parents.
9. Why do you think Garvey kept visiting Cole?
10. What is Circle Justice?